Contact Info

555 St. Joseph's Boulevard

Location Details

St. Joseph's Hospital located in Elmira, NY, and founded in 1908 by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Rochester, New York, is a not-for-profit, 125-bed Catholic hospital specializing in orthopedic care, physical rehabilitation, geriatric medicine, behavioral science, and alcohol rehabilitation.

St. Joseph's Hospital

Founded by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Rochester with the citizens of Elmira, NY, St. Joseph's Hospital is a Catholic community hospital for people of all faiths. Our healthcare providers practice with a deep respect for the dignity of each person, and strive to heal, as Jesus did, in mind, body, and spirit, all who come to us. As part of Arnot Health, we are able to ensure your access to the highest quality care.

Before your stay

Review the Patient Guide to answer any questions.

Patient Guide

During your stay

Safe, secure online bill pay and release forms are available for your convenience.

Planning Your Discharge

Pay Your Hospital Bill

Self-Pay Collection Policy & Procedure

Medical Records Requests
